Thinking About a New Scope? Think Big!



ServoCAT Goto Drive System


Servo Drive Computerized Astronomical Telescope

The new full featured ServoCAT will power your Obsession telescope to new horizons - and zeniths! Now you can enjoy your Obsession telescope to it's fullest potential. Coupled with the "Argo Navis™ digital setting circles" your scope will be tracking with ease and provide full GoTo ability. Read the features below to learn why the ServoCAT is taking over the motorized telescope market in large aperture dobs.



drive train rocker

drive inside a 22" UC rocker

drive train rocker


The ServoCAT GoTo drive with Argo Navis digital setting circles and 32K encoders complete system installed is:

$3,495 installed on 15", 18" or 22"

Price includes ServoCAT GoTo drive with Argo Navis digital setting circles, Ultra Res 32K encoders and Powered Ground Board, complete system installed.

Wireless hand pad is $299 option.

System is available and ready for installation on new Obsession orders.

To order please send an email or phone.

Not interested in a motorize tracking but want the targeting capability and deep sky catalog of digital setting circles? No problem. We can install the Argo Navis digital setting circles with 32K encoders on any new Obsession.

NOTE TO ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE OBSESSION OWNERS. The ServoCAT GoTo system was designed specifically for the Obsession series and can be retrofitted to all Obsessions.

For more info please send an email.

New customers that do not want GoTo capability now but think they might in the future should keep this in mind too. The ServoCAT can be retrofitted at any time.